Physician founded and Physician endorsed

Our primary and fundamental mission is to impact the well-being of as many people as possible by improving their ‘HEALTH PORTFOLIO’ by bringing dynamic biological balance to their bodies.



Explore Rheostasis’ exclusive range of products, and discover how we can collaborate to enhance your health portfolio together.

Health Portfolio

Start your personalized health portfolio today for better energy, sleep, and overall well-being.

Dr. Shelesh Kaushal

Dr. Shalesh Kaushal, founder of Rheostasis, is a leader in nutraceutical research and development.

Health Portfolio

Cardiovascular Health

Your heart and circulatory system are at the core of your vitality and key to your Health portfolio.

Muscles & Joints

Maintain mobility and strength for an active, pain-free lifestyle.

Brian & Eyes

Sharpen your focus and protect your vision for lifelong cognitive and sensory health.


Restful sleep is the foundation of overall health.

Stress Reduction

Chronic stress impacts all areas of our health.


Feel energized and ready to take on the day, every day.

Glucose Metabolism

Maintaining a balanced blood sugar is key to preventing chronic conditions.

Inflammation & infection

Protect your body from chronic inflammation and fight infections.


Prioritizing Your Health and Well-Being – We’re Here to Help!


Doctor Approved

Trusted By Doctors & Patients Around the Country.

Experience care that earns trust. Our solutions are relied upon by healthcare professionals and patients across the country for their proven quality, reliability, and results.

Join the community that puts health first.

Meet Dr. Shalesh Kaushal

Dr. Shalesh Kaushal, founder of Rheostasis, is a leader in nutraceutical research and development, combining extensive expertise in biochemistry, molecular genetics, and the biotech industry. His groundbreaking work has earned prestigious research awards and led to collaborations with top scientists, clinicians, and global leaders in diagnostic tools and instrumentation.

At Rheostasis, we leverage these unique skills to create innovative nutraceuticals and supplement formulations that are scientifically designed to support health and wellness. Our dedication to quality ingredients and cutting-edge research ensures that Rheostasis products rank among the best supplements available, offering maximum impact on your health.

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